No Gym, No Problem - Turks and Caicos


Some think that vacationing and working out doesn't mix right, WRONG! You may not have access to the gym or time to do a full workout like you would at home, but still get your workout in. Make time to do a 30 minute workout while you're on vacation and you'll feel a little less guilty when you get back home. Here is a quick 30 minute routine that is sure to get your heart rate up, and the sweat flowing!.

Things you'll need:


A chair or bench

Your body :)

The Workout:

Jump rope for 5-10 minutes

High knees (3 sets/30 seconds each)

Lunges (3 sets/15 each leg and can be either walking or in place if you don't have enough room)

Squats (3 sets of 20) T

ricep dips (3 sets of 15) (grab a chair and make sure your back stays as close to it as possible)

Pushups (3 sets of 15) (can be on the ground or at an incline using the chair)

Kia-Shun VoltzComment